result count: 18

SC_424496_00Hmph, then I will teach you since you want to learn. However, it doesn't look like you have any foundation. I'll start from the beginning. Which do you want to learn first, the "Lighthouse Identification" signal or the "Change Course" signal?
SC_424496_01Lighthouse Identification
SC_424496_02Change Course
SC_424496_03Lighthouse Identification just means that each lighthouse has its own signal. When a sailing ship sees this signal, it knows which lighthouse is there. As for the Piranha Lighthouse, it will flash "Short, Long, Long, Short, Short, Long, Short, Short, Long, Short." Hey! If you really want to learn, take a pen to write it down!
SC_424496_04I know them all.
SC_424496_05"Long, Short, Long, Long, Long" notifies the ship to change course. There are many rocks around this area. If I didn't remember this signal, then who knows how many ships would wreck!
SC_424496_06Sounds so serious. Ok, ok, let me test you. Tell me, how do you create the Piranha Port signal?
SC_424496_07Short, Long, Short, Short, Short, Long, Short, Long, Long, Short
SC_424496_08Short, Long, Long, Short, Short, Long, Long, Short, Long, Short
SC_424496_09Short, Long, Long, Short, Short, Long, Short, Short, Long, Short
SC_424496_10With this sort of answer, you still say that you understand?! No good, no good. You should leave. I don't have a lot of time. I can't waste it on you.
SC_424496_11Please let me try again.
SC_424496_12Hey, I didn't think you really understood. You're memory isn't bad.
Sys424496_nameLearn the Lighthouse Signals
Sys424496_szquest_accept_detailI am now teaching the port's younger generation how to understand and use the lighthouse signals. This is a very serious matter. If you don't have anything important to say, you should stand aside. I don't have time to worry about you. If you wish to learn, then make a humble request. You understand this courtesy, right?!
Sys424496_szquest_complete_detailThere are not many people who can answer my questions correctly after studying just a short while. It looks like you have a strong aptitude for learning codes. Not bad, not bad.
Sys424496_szquest_descLearn lighthouse signals from [119078|Wom Lance] and [545478|Correctly answer signal question].
Sys424496_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou're here to cause trouble, aren't you?! You're not concentrating! Get out of here. If you don't want to learn, get out of my sight! I don't need a student like you!