result count: 7

SC_424501_01¿Que habéis perdido la llave? Nunca lo hubiera imaginado. ¿No querréis quedaros una para vos? No pasa nada, lo entiendo perfectamente. Pero será complicado encargarse de [119157|Hans Pearson]...\n\nVale, os daré la llave que acabo de fabricar, pero es diferente de la original. Espero que [119157|Hans Pearson] no se dé cuenta.Ha, you lost the key? I never would have thought. You wouldn't want to keep one for yourself would you? Don't worry. I can understand completely. However, [119157|Hans Pearson] won't be easy to deal with... \n\nOkay, I will give you the key that I just tried to make, but it is very different from the original key. I just hope that [119157|Hans Pearson] will be too stupid to notice.
SC_424501_02Aceptad la copia de la [240593|Llave del faro].Accept the copied [240593|Lighthouse Key].
Sys424501_szquest_accept_detailMuy bien. Llevadle la [240593|Llave del faro] a [119157|Hans Pearson]. Tiene que estar muy preocupado, je, je. Me hace gracia imaginar qué cara tendrá ahora mismo. Nunca más voy a volver a prestarle a alguien mi llave. No pasa nada. Al fin y al cabo, tengo una copia de seguridad.Okay. Take the [240593|Lighthouse Key] to [119157|Hans Pearson]. He must be really worried. Haha, it's funny just imagining the look on his face. In the future I won't lend out my key anymore. No problem. After all, I have a backup.
Sys424501_szquest_complete_detailBuf, por fin me la habéis devuelto. ¡Menos mal! ¡Jamás se la volveré a dejar a nadie!Whew, fortunately it's back. Terrible. I won't lend it out again!
Sys424501_szquest_descDevolvedle la [240593|Llave del faro] a [119157|Hans Pearson].Return the [240593|Lighthouse Key] to [119157|Hans Pearson].
Sys424501_szquest_uncomplete_detail¡Por fin estáis de vuelta! ¿Qué os ha llevado tanto tiempo? No será porque ese tonto no me quisiera devolver la llave, ¿no?You're finally back! Why did it take so long? It's not that that fool doesn't want to give it back to me, is it?