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SC_424528_7_1El [ZONE_DGN_SARDO_BASTILLE|Castillo de Sardo] siempre ha sido vecino del [ZONE_LATIFF_KINGDOM|Reino de Lechif]. ¿Acaso este reino no tiene ninguna responsabilidad?[ZONE_DGN_SARDO_BASTILLE|Sardo Castle] has always been a neighbor to the [ZONE_LATIFF_KINGDOM|Kingdom of Lechif]. Could this kingdom have no responsibility whatsoever?
SC_424528_8Mmm, la decisión de no proporcionar ayuda se tomó cuando aún estaba en el trono el anterior rey. Mi reino es libre, así que, respondedme: ¿a quién tendríamos que apoyar en una guerra que no tiene ni pies ni cabeza?Hmph, the decision to not provide support was made with the previous King was still around. My kingdom is free. How could we offer support to either side over such an irrational battle?
SC_424528_9Estáis... ¿Estáis diciendo que la guerra en mi reino es solo un juego?You... Are you saying that the battle in my kingdom is just a game?
Sys424528_nameCartas sobre la mesaAll on the Table
Sys424528_szquest_accept_detail[119250|Yagean Kanches] no nos atendió debidamente cuando nos presentamos por sorpresa, así que espero que esta reunión sea la decisión acertada. \n\n¿Por qué no mencionamos directamente a [119258|Will Kanches]? Todos sabemos con certeza que Will se encuentra dentro del castillo. Si [119250|Yagean Kanches] no quiere admitir ante el [119255|Rey de los Humanos] que ha encarcelado a su propio hermano, quizá tenga en mente otros planes para el [SC_ZONE21_01|Príncipe heredero Will]. Hemos de vigilar de cerca qué hace [119250|Yagean Kanches]. \n\n[119250|Yagean Kanches] tiene una convicción muy fuerte. Tengo el temor de que no podamos convencerlo... Si es necesario, la protección del [119255|Rey de los Humanos] es nuestra máxima prioridad...We were so poorly received by [119250|Yagean Kanches] for our sudden visit. I hope this time a meeting is the right choice. \n\nWhy don't we just mention [119258|Will Kanches]? We are all sure that Will is inside the castle. If [119250|Yagean Kanches] isn't willing to admit to the [119255|Human King] that he has imprisoned his own brother, then that means he has other intentions for [SC_ZONE21_01|Crown Prince Will]. We must keep a close eye on what [119250|Yagean Kanches] does next. \n\n[119250|Yagean Kanches] truly does have strong convictions. I'm just afraid that we won't be able to break through his thick skin. When necessary, protection of the [119255|Human King] is the number one priority...
Sys424528_szquest_complete_detailA pesar de que tan solo duró un instante, cuando el [119255|Rey de los Humanos] mencionó a [119258|Will Kanches], vi en el rostro de [119250|Yagean Kanches] una mirada de sorpresa. Sin embargo, al poco tiempo recuperó la compostura y respondió a la pregunta del [119255|Rey de los Humanos]. Su habilidad para disimular y para defenderse es mucho mejor de lo que imaginé.Even though it only lasted an instant, when the [119255|Human King] mentioned [119258|Will Kanches], I saw [119250|Yagean Kanches] flash a look of surprise. However, he regained his composure and answered the [119255|Human King’s] question. This person’s ability to conceal and defend himself is much better than I had imagined.
Sys424528_szquest_descHacedle saber al [119255|Rey de los Humanos] la sugerencia de [119268|Jessie Mocliff].Pass along [119268|Jessie Mocliff's] suggestion to the [119255|Human King].

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