result count: 6

SC_424534_1[119310|Jessie Mocliff] shouts: "Be careful!"
Sys424534_nameFace to Face
Sys424534_szquest_accept_detailLegend says that [119305|Sismond] an undead power of destruction. How can we resist him with our abilities? We must leave first...Why would he appear here...Is he your last enemy that you speak of? \n\n([119307|Lorr's] face is covered in sweat.)\n\nNo wonder, he so announces his existence so loudly. He has such an incredible power. The question now is, what was his reason for wanting to see you? Maybe he will do something bad to the lords. Damn...I'm already starting to panic...\n\nI will take this brother back and do my best to find someone to help you. This is the only thing I can do right now...
Sys424534_szquest_complete_detailHe is [119305|Sismond]... His entire body emits an aura of evil. Don't worry, no matter what happens, as a member of The Unrivaled Shield, I will protect everyone. Generations of heroes are behind me. I believe that he won't do anything stupid.
Sys424534_szquest_descEven though there are many mercenaries here, [119305|Sismond] is also here. Go up those stairs and stand on the platform. He is on the platform near the ocean.
Sys424534_szquest_uncomplete_detailThis person is very unsettling... It is [119429|Sismond]...