result count: 13

SC_Z21_Q424542_01Please hand out the flyers to the residents on the square in [ZONE_LATIFF_KINGDOM|Kingdom of Lechif].
SC_Z21_Q424542_02It's so annoying, please don't give me these flyers again.
SC_Z21_Q424542_03The target is busy
SC_Z21_Q424542_04This, this is real? I have to pass on the flyer to the others!
SC_Z21_Q424542_05I will take it for now... but aren't you afraid of getting yourself into trouble by delivering this kind of flyer?
SC_Z21_Q424542_06It's a lie! How could His Majesty allow something like this to happen?
SC_Z21_Q424542_07Where is your evidence? Show me the evidence and I will believe you.
SC_Z21_Q424542_08You are too far away from your target, you can't pass on the flyer.
Sys424542_nameDeliver to the Residents
Sys424542_szquest_accept_detailYes, it's fixed. It should be no problem now. \n([119417|Fedi Kerry] looks like he is very satisfied with the flyer in his hand.) \n\nVery good. I found someone to do the legwork. \n([119417|Fedi Kerry] stuffs several flyers into your hand.) \n\nHelp me take these flyers to the people in the square. I want them to know that the people living inside the castle are the real people who should be criticized!
Sys424542_szquest_complete_detailWe will continue with this until our leader regains his deserved title.
Sys424542_szquest_descGo to the square in the [ZONE_LATIFF_KINGDOM|Kingdom of Lechif] and distribute 3 [<S>240643|Seagull Flyers] to the residents.
Sys424542_szquest_uncomplete_detailAn important requirement for a successful salesperson, is a thick skin. Hurry and go.