result count: 6

SC_424548_1Letter Obtainment
Sys424548_nameWhose safety?
Sys424548_szquest_accept_detailIt's terrible, [$playername]. Just now, when I was still in a rush, two people came to me looking for Mr. Figg. I didn't think anything of it so I told them to go upstairs. Now I remember that they dressed like pirates. Mr. Figg doesn't usually have friends come and visit. I was so busy that I was careless. \n\nIt's been a long time and they haven't come down yet. I'm very worried for their safety. Mr. Figg is an old man. I'm afraid that he moves too quickly. If he hurts those men, then someone will come here out of "concern." I can't stand it.
Sys424548_szquest_complete_detailYes...if they attack him first, then there is nothing that can be done...\n\nDon't worry. This type of thing happens all the time. Since Mr. Figg isn't around, I will lock up the door in a minute.
Sys424548_szquest_descGo to the second floor and confirm the safety of Mr. Figg's guests.
Sys424548_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe way up to the second floor is just outside the door, to the left and around. I often take that route, but circling around so much makes one dizzy.