result count: 5

Sys424551_nameGive him water
Sys424551_szquest_accept_detail(This child's clothes are torn. It's as if someone has beaten him. \n\nYou quietly call out and he seems to notice. When you move your ears closer, you can hear him say: "Water...Do you have water?" \n\nThis child needs your help. There is no doubt.)
Sys424551_szquest_complete_detail(Because of you, this child is completely drenched. Under the child's worn clothes, you see that he has an abnormally strong figure. \n\nIt is at this time that you discover that his age and his body type don't seem to match. He looks like he is a teenager. He stares at you. This barrel of water has revived him, but from his wide eyes you can't detect any fear.)
Sys424551_szquest_descIf you with to fill a [240574|Pail of Water], you will need a [119516|Water Barrel].
Sys424551_szquest_uncomplete_detailWater...water...\n\n(Perhaps you can find [240574|Pail of Water] near here.)