result count: 5

Sys424564_nameAsunto personalPersonal Matter
Sys424564_szquest_accept_detailEsta área se ha visto perturbada recientemente. El problema son los ladrones y ese demonio arrogante, [119150|Sismond]. \n\n\n\nLo más chocante son esas criaturas extrañas que vagan por la parte sur del [ZONE_SILENT_PASS|Desfiladero del Silencio]. Aunque no hayan atacado el [ZONE_VALLEY_OF_SERENITY|Valle Solitario], vigilan la entrada al valle. Y eso me preocupa. \n\n\n\nDaos una vuelta por la parte sur del [ZONE_SILENT_PASS|Desfiladero del Silencio]. Seguro que encontraréis algunos monstruos. Matadlos y traed sus cuerpos aquí. Tengo la sensación de que algo no encaja, pero no sé exactamente qué es...Recently this area has become disturbed. It is caused by thieves and the arrogant demon, [119150|Sismond]. \n\nWhat's strangest to me is the weird creatures that are wandering all over the southern part of [ZONE_SILENT_PASS|Silent Pass]. Even though they haven't attacked [ZONE_VALLEY_OF_SERENITY|Secluded Valley], the entrance to the valley is being watched by them. This makes me very unhappy. \n\nGo walk around the southern part of [ZONE_SILENT_PASS|Silent Pass]. You will certainly come across some monsters. Kill them and bring their bodies back here. I always feel like something is not right, but I can't put it into words...
Sys424564_szquest_complete_detailEs cierto. Estos monstruos fueron creados por una Runa. Esta aura debe de estar relacionada con [119150|Sismond].It's true. These monsters were created by a rune. This aura must be connected to [119150|Sismond].
Sys424564_szquest_descDirigíos al sur del [ZONE_SILENT_PASS|Desfiladero del Silencio], eliminad a los [<S>106079|Vigilantes de Sismond] y traed los [<S>240628|Globos oculares de centinela].Go to the south of the [ZONE_SILENT_PASS|Silent Pass] and eliminate the [<S>106079|Sismond's Watchers] and bring back the [<S>240628|Sentinel's Eyeballs]
Sys424564_szquest_uncomplete_detailLos monstruos que vigilan la entrada al valle me preocupan. Id y daos una vuelta por la parte sur del [ZONE_SILENT_PASS|Desfiladero del Silencio]. Seguro que os toparéis con esos monstruos.The monsters watching the entrance to the valley make me uneasy. Go and walk around the south of [ZONE_SILENT_PASS|Silent Pass] and you will certainly run into these monsters.