result count: 6

SC_424570_01Show [119058|Lane Barney] your identity and explain your reason for coming.
SC_424570_02Oh? Why is it that I don't understand a word you're saying...
Sys424570_nameYagean's Undead Army
Sys424570_szquest_accept_detailFortunately [119058|Lane Barney] is already investigating this matter. Hurry and go listen to the results of his investigation! \n\nI hope the matter is simpler than I imagine.
Sys424570_szquest_complete_detailI think I will agree with [119057|Assen Jerome's] assumptions... \n\nRumor has it that [119056|Ankes Strangeclaw] was imprisoned at Dalinham Castle, but in fact it was at Lechif Harbor. So, after he successfully escaped from prison, it reminded the Imperial Army that their defenses has some holes in them. \n\nFurthermore, after the event occurred, Yagean suddenly replaced all the original Dalinham Castle guards with troop of unknown soldiers... A troop that the kingdom has never had. A troop that is never distracted. It's a troop of undead soldiers that only take orders from Yagean. \n\nOf course, we can take the presence of these clues as just a coincidence, but what if it isn't?
Sys424570_szquest_descTake [240576|Shana Port's Token] to the rebel informant, [119058|Lane Barney], and speak with him.