result count: 5

Sys424583_nameEkan Nors' Gift
Sys424583_szquest_accept_detailIf it weren't for Captain Port's protection of the safety of this place, I think this merchant's camp would have been destroyed a long time ago... \n\nHaha, so I want to prepare a gift to show my gratitude to her! \n\nCan you bring the [240655|Mosto Skin] to me? \n\nI am sewing a handmade cloak. Sandstorms often occur on these plains. Captain Port must need a good cloak, don't you think?
Sys424583_szquest_complete_detailThat's right. This is the hide that I need! \n\nDid you get a whiff of the unique smell put out by this hide? \n\nHahah, I hope Captain Port will like this smell!
Sys424583_szquest_descGo and hunt [<S>106056|Plains Mostos] and bring the [<S>240655|Mosto Skins] back to [119132|Ekan Nors].
Sys424583_szquest_uncomplete_detailAy, ay. Is it too much trouble? \n\nBut [240655|Mosto Skin] is a material that I carefully picked out!