result count: 5

Sys424594_nameBeing Prepared
Sys424594_szquest_accept_detailCan you help me? You are an adventurer right? An amazing adventurer, right? Can you do me a favor? Otherwise my father will punish me! He said that soon it will be very dangerous to go out to sea to fish. That is why I must feed the Gulos so they get fatter before that happens. \n\nHe sent me to the [ZONE_SILENT_PASS|Silent Pass] to feed the Gulos, but when I got there I ran into some terrifying creatures. Their eyes are bigger than a bream's. Their teeth are sharper than a shark's! I don't dare take one step closer to them. Can I ask you to help me feed this fresh green grass to the Gulos?
Sys424594_szquest_complete_detailAre you done feeding? Really? \n\nYou ran into those monsters, didn't you? Right?
Sys424594_szquest_descGo and feed the Gulos near [ZONE_SILENT_PASS|Silent Pass] for [119236|Jeff Shaye].
Sys424594_szquest_uncomplete_detailMy father said that soon it will be very dangerous to go out to sea to fish. That is why I must feed the Gulos till they're nice and plump more before that happens. \nBut I don't dare go near that area...