result count: 5

Sys424600_nameDidola's Pearls
Sys424600_szquest_accept_detailOh no, the pearls that I have been saving for that kid have been stolen by the thieves... I can't ask [119124|Lechif Constable] to take care of this for me. They are willing to help us drive off the thieves, but they won't help me get back these stolen items. Adventurer, can you help me bring back those [<S>240626|Stolen Pearls]?
Sys424600_szquest_complete_detailYou really brought them back for me. I actually just thinking if someone from the Rebel Army would appear and help me. I had almost given up... I never thought that you would help me bring them back. I don't know how I should repay you.
Sys424600_szquest_descHelp [119213|Didola Chennai] retrieve 10 [<S>240626|Stolen Pearls] from the thieves.
Sys424600_szquest_uncomplete_detailMy child is over ten years old. He doesn't even know how to fish. If he doesn't become a fisherman what can he do? All I can do is save some money now. But now even my money has been taken away. Sigh.