result count: 4

Sys424668_nameSign Up for Title Training
Sys424668_szquest_accept_detailAdventurer, please stop for a minute. \n\nHave you heard that the Silvershadow Adventurers' Guild is holding <CS>Title Training</CS> right now? \n\nIt seems that [119143|Polis Leighton] is gathering adventurers with certain abilities to undergo this training. If you're interested, you can go to [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] and ask him.
Sys424668_szquest_complete_detailIt looks like you have the right skills to undergo this training program. Please listen carefully to me as I tell you about the content of the training. \n\nPerhaps, during your adventures, you have picked up a <CS>Title of Higher than Level One</CS>. When you have these titles it means that you have a certain potential that hasn't been unlocked. \n\nIf you continue to carry out various <CS>Title Training</CS> quests then you can earn rewards that improve your title abilities. \n\nThat's enough for an introduction to the training. If you wish to learn more, we can continue talking.
Sys424668_szquest_descGo to [119143|Polis Leighton] in [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] and sign up for the Title Training.