result count: 5

Sys424677_nameRecompensa: LocathaReward - Locatha
Sys424677_szquest_accept_detailEste es un cartel de busca y captura escrito por [119143|Polis Leighton]: \n\nSe buscan aventureros valientes con convicciones férreas para que se adentren en el [ZONE_DGN_KLEEON_TEMPLE|Templo de Kalin] y se enfrenten a [101502|Locatha] para demostrar su fuerza. Aquellos héroes que salgan airosos del enfrentamiento podrán venir a verme para que les haga entrega de una valiosa recompensa.\n\n[119143|Polis Leighton]This is a reward poster put up by [119143|Polis Leighton]: \n\nSeeking brave adventurers with strong convictions to go to [ZONE_DGN_KLEEON_TEMPLE|Kalin Shrine] and attack [101502|Locatha] to show their strength. Adventurers can come find me after they have achieved success and I will give them a handsome reward! \n\n[119143|Polis Leighton]
Sys424677_szquest_complete_detail[SC_TITLEQUEST_02|¡Aventurero, lo habéis hecho muy bien! Esta es vuestra recompensa.][SC_TITLEQUEST_02|Adventurer, you've done very well! This is your reward.]
Sys424677_szquest_descEntrad en el [ZONE_DGN_KLEEON_TEMPLE|Templo de Kalin] y venced a [101502|Locatha] para demostrar vuestra fuerza.Enter the [ZONE_DGN_KLEEON_TEMPLE|Kalin Shrine] and defeat [101502|Locatha] to prove your strength!
Sys424677_szquest_uncomplete_detail[SC_TITLEQUEST_01|Aventurero, no habéis llegado a la comisión en el tablón de anuncios...\n\n¡Podéis hacerlo! El camino al éxito os está esperando.][SC_TITLEQUEST_01|Adventurer, you haven't reached the commission on the bulletin board yet...\n\nYou can do it! The road to success is waiting for you ahead.]