result count: 5

Sys424710_szquest_accept_detailWhat are you standing around for then? Get me the [201585|Research Report on Voidal Energy] from [117246|Cantabo Carter] immediately!\n\nOr do I need to send every pirate out to get it?
Sys424710_szquest_complete_detail([122556|Natasya Lamyn] tears the [201585|Research Report on Voidal Energy] from your hands and flicks through it.)\n\nAha... there was only one little thing missing...\n\n(She's obviously looking for something in particular.)\n\nRight then, it appears that <CY>Bateng</CY> can still be saved. But don't go thinking I'm finished with you yet! You stay right here and wait until I'm through with this thing!
Sys424710_szquest_descSearch for the [122743|Research Report on Voidal Energy] in the piles of books around [117246|Cantabo Carter] and then give it to [122556|Natasya Lamyn].
Sys424710_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat are you doing?\n\nIf anything happens to <CY>Bateng</CY>, I'll hold you and your band of pirates responsible!