result count: 6

SC_Z22_Q424785_01You don't have any [<S>240763|White Light Seeds].
Sys424785_nameHeart of Nature and Life
Sys424785_szquest_accept_detailHello, [$playername]. Thank you for coming to help our plan to restore life to this place. \n\nAfter the seal was broken on the Throne of Embers, it caused an explosion that covered this whole area with fire. We have put forth a lot of effort to reduce the flames, but the power of fire from the instant of the explosion has caused mutations in the living things here. They suffered so much...and finally...died...\n\n(Reveals a painful look.) \n\nWe continue to treat the mutated plants and animals, but the past methods won't get rid of the harmful substances in their bodies. In the end, a [240763|White Light Seed] that is made from herbs infused with Nature's Power will be the only way to free these animals from their suffering. [$playername], please take these white light seeds and help treat the mutated plants and animals, [SC_ELF_CONVENTION|May the Holy King protect you.].
Sys424785_szquest_complete_detail[$playername], you did very well. The Heart of Nature has told me that the mutated plants and animals you treated are already back to normal. Now they won't be tortured by death and fear. Now, when you encounter any hardship in this area, the Heart of Nature will help you. \n\n[SC_ELF_CONVENTION|May the Holy King protect you.]
Sys424785_szquest_descUse the [240763|White Light Seed] to treat the mutated plants and animals.
Sys424785_szquest_uncomplete_detailThey are suffering because of their mutations. Please hurry and save them!