result count: 7

SC_Z22_Q424786_01You don't have any [<S>240764|Aqua-Blue Crystal Seeds]!
SC_Z22_Q424786_02You haven't accepted the quest!
Sys424786_nameExtinguish the Flames
Sys424786_szquest_accept_detailHello, [$playername]. Please help me extinguish the flames. \n\nThe destruction of the Throne of Embers brought an explosion that covered this whole area in fire. We put forth a great effort to reduce the flames, but the power of fire kept escaping from the Throne of Embers. This made the fire in the area become so powerful that flames burn constantly. Just a while ago, a small flame almost set an entire forest ablaze. \n\n[$playername], this is an [240764|Aqua-Blue Crystal Seed]. It is a special plant formed from the merging of watercress and Nature's Power. Take it to extinguish all the flames nearby so that we can prevent a major disaster. \n\n[SC_ELF_CONVENTION|May the Holy King protect you.].
Sys424786_szquest_complete_detailThank you for your efforts, [$playername]. We don't have to worry about the flames starting a major fire, at least for now.
Sys424786_szquest_descUse the [240764|Aqua-Blue Crystal Seed] to extinguish the flames and prevent them from further affecting the environment.
Sys424786_szquest_uncomplete_detailHave you already extinguished enough flames? Please be quick. Otherwise the flames will continue to receive energy from the power of fire, grow into full fiery beings and cause a disaster that will be hard to control.