result count: 4

Sys424790_nameSelf-defense Ability
Sys424790_szquest_accept_detailBasically, I don't condone the use of force to resolve problems!\n\nHowever, not everyone in this world is peaceful, and you must learn to protect yourself! First you need a basic weapon, so that when you fight you don't start off at a disadvantage!\n\nGo find [119638|Tyda Rason] and give him this letter of recommendation, then choose a suitable weapon.\n\n<CS>\n"Obtaining Items"\nAll items you receive in the game will automatically be placed in your backpack. If there is a new item in your backpack that you haven't yet checked, your backpack image will glow.\n</CS>
Sys424790_szquest_complete_detail([119638|Tyda Rason] takes the letter of recommendation from your hands)\n\nHow does it feel to be awake? Do you feel a sense of familiar strangeness?\n\n...Ok! It looks like you don't want to talk, so I won't say too much. Alya's letter says to let you choose a weapon. Just pick one that feels good to you!\n\n<CS>\n"Equipment"\nPress the B key or click the backpack image in the bottom right to open up the Backpack Interface. Right click a weapon, armor or accessory item to equip it.\n</CS>
Sys424790_szquest_descTake [119637|Alya's] letter of recommendation to [119638|Tyda Rason].