result count: 13

SC_424815_01These bones seem a little strange...Do you want to have a look...
SC_424815_01_1Oh wow! I lost this yesterday...
SC_424815_02This slab of wood has some alcohol on it. Could it be used to start fires?
SC_424815_02_1Oh, hahaha. This is probably the plug for my wine barrel that I lost yesterday. I couldn't find it so I had to drink the entire thing. Haha...Hiccup!
SC_424815_03Look there are footprints on this rock!
SC_424815_03_1This is the rock that I used to stand on...I wouldn't be able to reach the wine barrels without it.
SC_424815_04This feather couldn't be it, right?
SC_424815_04_1Oh...I think I saw this feather over there...That's it! Many strange birds have been appearing at the camp the past couple days. They must have caused this!
Sys424815_nameFind any Clues
Sys424815_szquest_accept_detailWoohaha...Hiccup! I never thought that [119682|Shar Talos] would help us. Very good! \n\nOh, that's right! I should first tell you that in addition to our investigations, it is also our duty to take these water jugs and put out any tent fire that we see...Hiccup! \n\nThe fire that burnt this damn tent can't be explained! Search the entire camp! Give me any suspicious items that you come across! Let me see exactly what is causing all these problems...Hiccup! ...Hiccup! \n\nUggh! I don't feel good! Go quickly! I'm going to rest a while...Hiccup!
Sys424815_szquest_complete_detailWell done! You really are a good...good helper! ...Hiccup! \n\nLet me thing about what to do next! ...Hiccup!
Sys424815_szquest_descFind any suspicious clue you can and give it to [119684|Maja Ironnail].
Sys424815_szquest_uncomplete_detailI can't believe that [119682|Shar Talos] would send someone so capable to help me...Hiccup! \n\nLet me know if you can't do it! ...Hiccup! Otherwise, go and search the whole camp...I can't even take care of such a small matter.