result count: 5

Sys424851_nameInvestigación medioambiental en el Bosque ÍgneoFlaming Forest Environmental Research
Sys424851_szquest_accept_detailSiempre pensé que la formación del entorno del [ZONE_FOREST_OF_FLAMES|Bosque Ígneo] estaba conectado de alguna manera con esa criatura llamada [103585|Krolin]. Para confirmar esta teoría, necesito que un valiente aventurero me haga un favor. \n\nEstas [240623|Cizallas de acero endurecido] fueron difíciles de conseguir. Se rumorea que se fabricaron con lava. Son tremendamente resistentes al calor. Oh, me habéis malinterpretado. No quiero hacer daño a [103585|Krolin]. Lo único que deseo es una pluma suya. Si tenemos cuidado, no hay nada de lo que preocuparse.\n\nSugiero que os llevéis compañía para evitar accidentes. Dicen que la ira de [103585|Krolin] no debe subestimarse cuando se enfada...I always thought that the formation of the environment of the [ZONE_FOREST_OF_FLAMES|Flaming Forest] was somehow connected with that creature, called [103585|Krolin], perched in the forest. In order to confirm this theory, I need a brave adventurer to do me a favor. \n\nThese [240623|Hardened Steel Shears] were difficult to get. It is said that they were formed from lava. It is extremely heat-resistant. Oh, you misunderstood me. I don't mean to hurt [103585|Krolin]. All I want is a feather from it. As long as we are careful, there's no need to worry.\n\nI suggest you take some more companions with you just to prevent any accidents. I heard that the anger of [103585|Krolin] shouldn't be underestimated when it is angry....
Sys424851_szquest_complete_detail¿Estáis... diciendo que tomasteis las [240623|Cizallas de acero endurecido] y os acercasteis al [103585|Krolin] y que de repente se enfureció? ¿Y lo vencisteis y conseguisteis la pluma?\n\nOlvidadlo... De todas formas, el [103585|Krolin] es capaz de renacer. No lo hemos matado de verdad, ¿no?You, you,'re saying. You just took the [240623|Hardened Steel Shears] and got close to [103585|Krolin] and it suddenly became furious? ! So you killed it and got the feather? ! \n\nForget it, anyway, [103585|Krolin] is able to be reborn. We didn't really kill it, right?
Sys424851_szquest_descDirigíos al [ZONE_FOREST_OF_FLAMES|Bosque Ígneo] y usad las [240623|Cizallas de acero endurecido] con el [103585|Krolin]. Luego, conseguid una [240888|Pluma de fuego] tras derrotarlo.Go to the [ZONE_FOREST_OF_FLAMES|Flaming Forest] and use the [240623|Hardened Steel Shears] on [103585|Krolin]. Then obtain 1 [240888|Feather of Fire] after you defeat it.
Sys424851_szquest_uncomplete_detailAdentraos en el [ZONE_FOREST_OF_FLAMES|Bosque Ígneo] y podréis encontrar al [103585|Krolin].Go deep into the [ZONE_FOREST_OF_FLAMES|Flaming Forest] and you should be able to find [103585|Krolin].