result count: 6

SC_424855_1You must get closer to the steam...
Sys424855_nameAdjust Water Temperature
Sys424855_szquest_accept_detailThere are still some leftover [<S>240958|Condensation Seeds] from those you brought.\n\n[<S>240958|Condensation Seeds] are natural seeds distributed by [119625|Fekotonis]. They can use a plant's abilities to adjust the temperature of water. After you've temporarily eliminated the water elementals, I need you to help put these seeds into the water source. Then, I'll prepare the natural water you need. Give me time to imbue this water with nature's power.
Sys424855_szquest_complete_detailIt looks like the water's temperature has been balanced, but with the water elemental being reborn, maintaining this balance won't be easy... But we believe in the restorative power of nature, and drop by drop a better day will come. Right, friend?
Sys424855_szquest_descPut the temperature-regulating [<S>240958|Condensation Seeds] into the steaming pool of water.
Sys424855_szquest_uncomplete_detail([119626|Sibilish] holds the water and focuses on the incantation. It sounds more like a poem than a spell. You understand that the elf is using his body's natural power...)