result count: 5

Sys424864_nameFireproof Potion
Sys424864_szquest_accept_detailFireproof Potion! Look, I'm already ready! \n\nAre you willing to take it for me? This is fantastic! Be careful with it! \n\nA lot of work went into making these potions. Whatever you do, don't waste them!
Sys424864_szquest_complete_detailFireproof Potion! Thank you very much! We have been unable to continue our work without Fireproof Potion! Remember to tell [119680|Fajaka] to keep sending people.
Sys424864_szquest_descTake the [240296|Fireproof Potion Pouch] to [119612|General Naz] at the [ZONE_CRUMBLING_BASTILLE|Fallen Throne of Embers].
Sys424864_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you bring Fireproof Potions? The effect of that potion is almost magical! \n\nAfter you rub it on your body, you can get close to a burning hot fire without it feeling as painful as it normally would.