result count: 5

Sys424919_nameFind an Ailic's Researcher
Sys424919_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], thank you for your trouble last time. Reports say that there are still researchers that have not reported back to the camp. \n\n([119731|Fenyan Lilt] sighs softly.)\n\nWould you be willing to help me find the researchers again and remind them to come and report in? If they don't seem to be doing anything productive, feel free to use some more persuasive methods.
Sys424919_szquest_complete_detail[$playername], thank you again for reminding the researchers to report at the camp. Watching him walk, I think you must have had to "remind" him several times. Sorry for all the trouble.
Sys424919_szquest_descFind Ailic's Researchers who got distracted by something on the way from the Front Line Alliance Camp to the Aren base.
Sys424919_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou haven't found them yet? Try looking off the road.