result count: 8

SC_424929_TELLHabladle de la violenta liberación de energía de Loub.Tell her about Loub's violent release of energy.
SC_424929_TELL_00¿Ha pasado algo mientras yo no estaba? ¿Por qué todo el mundo actúa de una forma tan extraña? [$playername], si sabéis algo, lo que sea, os ruego que me lo contéis. Quiero las cartas sobre la mesa, no que me señalen por la espalda.\n\nY sobre todo, ¿dónde se ha metido Loub? Seguro que no anda corriendo por ahí como una lagartija sin cola. No me lo imagino dando vueltas por ahí en su estado. ¿Dónde puedo empezar a buscarlo?Did something happen while I was away? Why is everyone acting so weird? [$playername], if you know anything about it, anything at all, then please let me know. I want everything out on the table, not fingers pointing at my back. \n\nMore importantly, where has Loub got to? Surely not running about like a lizard with its tail cut off. I can't imagine him off on his own in his delicate condition. Where should I look for him first?
SC_424929_TELL_01([119850|Jill Ayekin] os escucha con los ojos como platos).\n\n¿Decís que la temperatura extremadamente alta de Loub ha causado una explosión? ¿Y que ha habido muchos heridos?\n\n¿Cómo es posible? ¿Y Loub? Debe de estar destrozado por haber causado una cosa así. ¿Sabéis dónde está ahora?([119850|Jill Ayekin] listens to you, eyes wide with amazement)\n\nYou're saying...Loub's abnormally high temperature caused an explosion? And that many people were injured?\n\nHow could it be? And Loub? He must be devastated to have caused such a thing. Where is he now, do you know?
SC_424929_TELL_02Contadle la decisión de Morrok.Tell him Morrok's decision.
Sys424929_nameNoticia cruelCruel News
Sys424929_szquest_accept_detail¿Qué diablos está pasando? Cuando volvía para informar a [119781|Bernisillo], la gente me miraba y cuchicheaba a mis espaldas. Era una sensación muy desagradable, sobre todo la mirada del investigador. ¡Ah! ¡Conozco esa mirada! Es la mirada de un depredador analizando a su presa. Odio esas cosas. [$playername], ya sabéis a qué me refiero. ¡Decidme la verdad!What the hell is going on? As I was reporting back to [119781|Bernisillo], people were staring at me and whispering behind my back. It all made me feel very uncomfortable, especially the look in those researcher's eyes... Ah! I know that look! It's the look a predator gets in its eye when its measuring up its prey... I hate that kind of thing. [$playername], you know what I'm talking about! Please, tell me the truth!
Sys424929_szquest_complete_detailAhora lo entiendo... Morrok tenía razón. Si no llegamos al fondo del asunto, antes o después le sucederá lo mismo a Loub. Quién sabe qué hará la Alianza cuando vuelva a suceder una cosa así... Los investigadores de Ailic estarán encantados. Los demás lo verán como una amenaza que hay que eliminar.\n\nEso es lo que pasa... Su hostilidad hizo que no me sintiera a gusto. No les importa por qué pasa o qué podrá pasar en el futuro, solo quieren acabar con Loub. Yo soy su hermana, así que no tardarán en venir a por mí.Now I see... Morrok was right. If we don't get to the bottom of it, sooner or later the same thing will happen to Loub again. Who knows what the Alliance will do when this kind of...weirdness happens again. The Ailic's researchers will be over the moon. Everyone else will view him as a threat to be eliminated...\n\nSo that's it... It was their hostility that made me feel so uncomfortable. They don't care why it's happening or what might happen in future, they just want Loub out of the equation. As his sister, it won't be long before they turn on me.
Sys424929_szquest_descContadle a [119850|Jill Ayekin] lo que ha pasado.Tell [119850|Jill Ayekin] what happened.