result count: 8

SC_424932_01Take the [240857|Gear Component].
SC_424932_02This machine is broken. You cannot detect anything.
SC_424932_TAKESomeone else is collecting the [240857|Gear Component].
Sys424932_nameComponents Scavenger
Sys424932_szquest_accept_detailYou're back again... I guess [119727|Yujin Angerfang] doesn't have anything for you to do, right? Hey, no need to explain. It's fine, I get it. He doesn't want to keep you all to himself - he wants to spread the love. What a guy! Anyway, I'm not going to pass up this opportunity. I need a few components for my "Transport Terminator 27". Here, take a look at the [106470|Raw Material Processing Mechanism] [<S>240857|Gear Components] should do it.
Sys424932_szquest_complete_detail5 [<S>240857|Gear Components]! Perfect! I should praise you in deputy commanding officer [119726|Bernisillo's] own words! [SC_ELF_CONVENTION|May the Holy King protect you.]!
Sys424932_szquest_descCollect 5 [<S>240857|Gear Components] for the [106470|Raw Material Processing Mechanism] from the [ZONE_PROCESSING_PLANT:_LAPRIG|Laphraag Production Plant] for [119950|Stein Gade].
Sys424932_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou should understand... You're part of a grand plan yourself, you know.