result count: 9

SC_424951_ANGRYNo time to talk. I'm a man on a mission.
SC_424951_ANGRY_01Just wait till you see what I can do!
SC_424951_RECOMMENDTell [119727|Yujin Angerfang] what [119782|Sayek Lopear] is hoping for.
SC_424951_REJECT([119727|Yujin Angerfang] thinks for a bit after you finish speaking)\n\nUh... I remember [119782|Sayek Lopear], young lad, full of himself, always charging headlong into trouble. I can understand his ambition, but that's why I didn't let him go too deep into the [ZONE_PROCESSING_PLANT:_LAPRIG|Laphraag Production Plant]. Sayek's a bit of a show pony and never considers how his actions might affect others. His superiors have brought him to my attention on numerous occasions.\n\nAs I see it, he still needs to work on a lot of things, including his attitude. This could be a good opportunity for him to learn something valuable. Tell him to stop caring so much about what other people think, and to focus on gaining experience.
Sys424951_nameWannabe Heroes
Sys424951_szquest_accept_detail[$playername]- you're that hot shot knight and court favorite. I've been watching you from afar and heard tales of your numerous achievements. If I am going to become a mighty warrior I have to pay attention to such things. \n\nAs a Limon child, I idolized Kawak "Iron Teeth" Angerfang. I believe that through hard work and diligence I can become like my hero. Now that I have joined the Alliance and been assigned to the [ZONE_RYNO_COMMAND_CAMP|Hrodnor Command Camp] I feel that my time has finally come! However, for some reason I've only been assigned simple tasks - and I'm not allowed into the [ZONE_PROCESSING_PLANT:_LAPRIG|Laphraag Production Plant] to prove my mettle. Sir [$playername], please put a good word in for me with the commanding officer [119727|Yujin Angerfang]. I won't let you down!
Sys424951_szquest_complete_detailReally? Huh. I get it. I can read between the lines. Commander [119727|Yujin Angerfang] is afraid I'll jeopardize an otherwise 'perfect operation'.
Sys424951_szquest_desc[119782|Sayek Lopear] asks you to put a good word in for him with [119727|Yujin Angerfang].
Sys424951_szquest_uncomplete_detailIn my quest to become a mighty warrior, I pay close attention to adventuring parties and warriors from all nations, where they go, who they fight, all that stuff. Test me, you'll see!