result count: 12

SC_424962_AI hear you are looking for me.
SC_424962_BWelcome back, [$PLAYERNAME]. Time flies, does it not? You're a famous adventurer now, I see. I don't know if you still remember all the help and support the Silvershadow Adventurers' Guild gave you. Perhaps you'd like to make a little donation to help support the Guild's work with up-and-coming adventurers. \n\nI think it would do a lot for your reputation.
SC_424962_CDonate 50,000 gold.
SC_424962_D(Slyly refuse)
SC_424962_EExcellent, [$PLAYERNAME]. You remember the adventurer's credo- acceptance brings opportunity. Now you've got the chance...
SC_424962_FHahaha! [$PLAYERNAME], you sly dog! You've learned a lot on your travels, haven't you? Never mind. The donation was voluntary. However, before you go I should remind you, only acceptance brings opportunity, and opportunities once passed over might never return!
SC_424962_GWhat do you mean?
SC_424962_HHeh heh heh...[$PLAYERNAME], you're not just saying it, are you? It only counts if you actually pay up. You've probably got your money stashed away in a safe place. Go and get it. I'll wait here.
Sys424962_nameEye of Wisdom's Joining
Sys424962_szquest_accept_detail[$PLAYERNAME], I never thought you'd be the [LION_HEART|Lionheart Knights] representative. Very surprising! Still... the situation is urgent, so no time for reminiscing.\n\nI appreciate the severity of the situation [114869|Simon Dibark] describes. In our ongoing struggle with evil I never imagined we'd face an adversary so powerful and so crafty. We must resist them at every turn. The [SC_EYEOFWISDOM|Eye of Wisdom] will definitely attend the meeting. Still, [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] will need someone to man the fort, so I'm afraid I will not be able to attend in person.\n\n[119715|Tannis Bennet], Head of the Elemental Order, will go in my place. He's very knowledgeable and a nature leader. I will not be missed. Also, you needn't make the journey to see the Order of Dark Glory. We'll inform them... and don't worry! We won't be sending that drunkard [110177|Luanda].\n\n[110167|Daris] of [SO_110484_NEWER|Silvershadow Adventurers' Guild] wants me to tell you to go and find her at the [ZONE_VARANAS_CLASS_HALL|Class Hall] if and when you return to [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas]. Also, be sure you speak with [119702|Ailic's Transporter] of Class Hall while you are in Silvershadow Adventurers' Guild. I asked him to wait for you there, so you can go back to [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] together.
Sys424962_szquest_complete_detailYou finished everything? Then let's get back to [ZONE_SAVILLEPLAINS|Zandorya]! Excellent. Remember to take a deep breath...
Sys424962_szquest_descProceed towards [ZONE_VARANAS_CLASS_HALL|Class Hall] and speak with [SO_110484_NEWER|Silvershadow Adventurers' Guild] Guild Leader [110167|Daris].