result count: 5

Sys424979_nameEnchanted Paper
Sys424979_szquest_accept_detail([119757|Bolodian] sits on the ground, looking totally exhausted.)\n\nAre... are you from the Alliance? Quick! Lend me a hand! I've discovered an important book, but I didn't realize it was protected by a magic circle.\n\nThe moment I stepped out of the circle, the book transformed into these strange creatures. I tried attacking them, and just as I suspected, when defeated they revert to their original form. I've been able to recover some of the pieces of the book, but there are too many of them. I've exhausted myself trying to get them all. I've never seen such a devious method of safe-guarding something!\n\nThis book contains information which is of great value to the Alliance. Please help me to gather the rest of it!
Sys424979_szquest_complete_detailMany thanks to you. We've finally got all the pieces.
Sys424979_szquest_descAttack the energy aggregate creatures to retrieve the [<S>240844|Ancient Book Pages].
Sys424979_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe moment I picked up the diary, I felt a twinge of runic magic in the air. However, I didn't think stepping from the circle would activate such a powerful magic spell. All I can say is that the magic of old far exceeds what we're left with today.