result count: 30
keystring | eneu |
SC_424982_0 | [240944|Four Seasons Poem (Spring's Beginning)] |
SC_424982_1 | [240945|Four Seasons Poem (Summer's End)] |
SC_424982_10 | [240954|Ancient Song (IX)] |
SC_424982_2 | [240946|Four Seasons Poem (Bountiful Autumn)] |
SC_424982_3 | [240947|Four Seasons Poem (Severe Winter)] |
SC_424982_4 | [240948|Writings and Dark Hair (III)] |
SC_424982_5 | [240949|Writings and Dark Hair (VII)] |
SC_424982_6 | [240950|Writings and Dark Hair (XXXIII)] |
SC_424982_7 | [240951|Writing and Hair (XL)] |
SC_424982_8 | [240952|Ancient Song (II)] |
SC_424982_9 | [240953|Ancient Song (III)] |
SC_424982_ITEM_1 | You're still missing [$VAR1], [$VAR2], and [$VAR3]. |
SC_424982_ITEM_2 | You're still missing [$VAR1], and [$VAR2]. |
SC_424982_ITEM_3 | You're still missing [$VAR1]. |
SC_424982_POEM_01 | Spring's Beginning\n\n... The carols of spring birds,\nawaken her bright face from slumber deep,\nand call for her to cover her nakedness in clothes of green.\nFresh dew wets her brightly colored cloak...\n\n... Such beauty is like the flourishing blooms,\nnone can but mourn their withering away,\nthough beauty once vigorous must likewise decay,\nso that beautiful memories may eternally remain... |
SC_424982_POEM_02 | Summer's End\n\n... The stars are like a gossamer veil over her lush mane...\nHer ever-changing costumery bewilders the eye...\n\n... If one must ask where her beauty lies,\nit is the treasures of Rorazan,\ndeep in the depths of her unfathomable eyes,\nit is her forgotten youth, and the lost secret palace...\n\n... Weaving through her pine green strands of hair.\nThere is no need to blush. In her forgiving embrace,\nsing joyous praise on into old age. |
SC_424982_POEM_03 | Bountiful Autumn\n\n... Haughty sirens, jealous of her fair appearance,\nsprinkle her green locks with colors of night.\nPoets yet praise her fiery magnificence,\nand farmers rejoice while collecting the harvest...\n\n... Even the dark haired Duke, hidden deep in her eyes,\nseems enchanted by this change in her. |
SC_424982_POEM_04 | Severe Winter\n\n... Her icy stare like a queen,\nher pure white crown silencing all creation,\nsave for a lion-like roar,\nas she counts the lights, faint and distant as the milky way...\n\n<CY>[119942|Carlson Paine] notes: "Past this point, the faint markings become indiscernible..."</CY> |
SC_424982_SONG_01 | ... Born by the grace of god,\nholding fast to unshakable strength,\neven organisms so wise and intelligent,\nhave been swayed by evil,\n\nAllowing darkness to cover over reason,\nlike a shuttered window.\nDon't let the world walk the path of destruction;\nMighty dragons!\n\nAwaken!\nThe shadows that cover the sky,\nwill enshroud the world in darkness... |
SC_424982_SONG_02 | ... The mighty dragons are bound by desire,\nand the world loses all order,\ngiving birth to the primordial elements.\nBy the time the mighty dragons realize this, all will be lost.\n\nMankind must reach out,\nspring open the shuttered window.\nDon't let the world walk the path of destruction;\nMighty dragons!\n\nThe seal!\nThe shadows that cover the sky,\nwill return the world to a blessed state... |
SC_424982_SONG_03 | ... The towering throne stands eternal,\nlike the notches in wood marking the days,\nlike history itself, obscuring nothing,\n\nReprimanding the greedy and glutinous beings\nreminding them of the cost of peace and happiness.\nRemember this,\nHumans, mighty dragons...\n\n<CY>[119942|Carlson Paine] notes: "Past this point, the faint markings become indiscernible..."</CY> |
SC_424982_STORY_01 | ... Although she was born in a family of hunters,\nbecause her body was weak, she did not participate in the kill,\nand instead pursued her chosen prey in the tomes of history and literature.\n\nIt was not arduous for her, rather, she took great joy in books,\nand in spare moments, she contemplated the changes and variations in nature, and wrote down her observations.... |
SC_424982_STORY_02 | ... A few of her attempts at poetry, by fate or by circumstance, were passed throughout the kingdom.\nEach of her poems earned the praises of lords and scholars alike,\nand it was even fashionable for a time to collect her works...\n\n... The forests and streams were the great subjects of her poems, \nfor it was there she found inspiration....\n\n... And as she began to sing the praises of the magnificent light,\na mysterious dark-haired youth stepped from the nimbus... |
SC_424982_STORY_03 | ... Only after she begged him, her heart filling with pain and sadness, did he finally agree...\n\n... She finally knew why, after so long a time,\nhe was unwilling to allow her into his home.\nPrecautions beyond counting, the horrific golem....\n\n......\n\n... A room filled with devices of punishment and torture,\nthe golem abusing its victim under the direction of the mysterious youth.\nShe finally understood why everyone feared this young dark-haired mage... |
SC_424982_STORY_04 | ... At first the young man thought to answer her questions, but instead chose silence...\n\n... She took the pendant given to her by the dark-haired youth and threw it into the water...\n\n<CY>[119942|Carlson Paine] notes: "Past this point, the faint markings become indiscernible..."</CY> |
Sys424982_name | Four Seasons Poem |
Sys424982_szquest_accept_detail | (His dour face livens up at the mention of the documents.)\n\nThe "[240941|Four Seasons Poem]" describes the four seasons in Rorazan Although we only have a fraction of the original texts, the work of this poetess is able to transport us to the ancient forests of that kingdom, as if we were there to watch the seasons pass before our own eyes...\n\nAlas... these great works have disappeared into the sky, just like the wind itself...\n\nIf you can find any of them, I shall rejoice and thank you. |
Sys424982_szquest_complete_detail | ([119943|Carlson Paine] stares in disbelief at the page in his hand.)\n\nAm I dreaming? Is this really what it seems? Hooray!\n\n([119943|Carlson Paine] kisses the paper and holds it to his chest.) |
Sys424982_szquest_desc | Find the fragments of the writings of the "[240941|Four Seasons Poem]". |
Sys424982_szquest_uncomplete_detail | I just hope you can find those documents soon...\n\nIf you can find any of them, I shall rejoice and thank you. |