result count: 7

SC_425021_1You don't have a container to hold dew!
SC_425021_2The leaf's water droplets slid onto the ground!
Sys425021_nameDivine Droplets
Sys425021_szquest_accept_detailIn addition to ore, the cave contains another natural treasure, mineral water.\n\nThis water not only tastes smooth and sweet, but most importantly it can restore strength and ease fatigue. For those of use who do manual labor, it's like a supernatural power, so we call it "Divine Drops." However, obtaining this mineral water is a lot of trouble. The standard way is to collect dew droplets from plant leaves!\n\nDo you want to try? It looks simple, but it takes some skill. I have some empty bottles here, so go get some [<S>241077|Divine Droplets] from the leaves of the [<S>120370|Dewleaves]!
Sys425021_szquest_complete_detailAre these really [<S>241077|Divine Droplets]?\n\nI didn't think you'd be so fast; what a surprise! It looks like being petrified for so long hasn't affected your hand eye coordination.\n\nPlease accept this modest gift as a token of my gratitude!
Sys425021_szquest_descTry to collect the mineral water dew, [<S>241077|Divine Droplets], from the leaves of the [<S>120370|Dewleaves]!
Sys425021_szquest_uncomplete_detailThinking of sweet [<S>241077|Divine Droplets], I feel a little thirsty...