result count: 5

SC_Z31_Q425028_01A bag has been dropped nearby. It's probably best to go and have a look for it, no?
Sys425028_nameLost and Found
Sys425028_szquest_accept_detailYou pick up a worn, and dusty metal necklace. After brushing off the dust, you can see an engraving: [120435|Ivann Forgenail].\n\nPerhaps this is the owner's name. Why not go find him and ask?
Sys425028_szquest_complete_detailAh...this necklace...I feel like I've seen it somewhere before...why is my name engraved on it?
Sys425028_szquest_descGive the [241060|Handcrafted Iron Necklace] to [120435|Ivann Forgenail].