result count: 10

SC_Z31_Q425032_01Send to the residents of [ZONE_IFANTRISH_CRYPT_02|Morfantas City].
SC_Z31_Q425032_02Recipient already possesses [241063|Stewed Snake Meat].
SC_Z31_Q425032_03This taste... It's bringing me to tears!
SC_Z31_Q425032_04You've made me remember the happiness that food can bring.
SC_Z31_Q425032_05Anything more that you can give me? Pretty please!
Sys425032_nameTaste of Yearning
Sys425032_szquest_accept_detailOk, try some. The flavor is good, right?\n\nI haven't cooked in such a long time, so I'm a little rusty. Also, I tried some new ingredients this time, so I hope everyone in the city can try it. Can you deliver it for me?
Sys425032_szquest_complete_detailWhat is this? The whole next month's orders?! Well, one thing I'm sure of is that people are much more interested in my food than in those dry rations.\n\nBut with these quantities, I may need to post a request for an assistant...
Sys425032_szquest_descDeliver the [241063|Stewed Snake Meat] from [120441|Thisthor Shadowblaze] to the 5 residents of [ZONE_IFANTRISH_CRYPT_02|Morfantas City].
Sys425032_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat was everyone's reaction?