result count: 5

Sys425042_nameNeed To Focus
Sys425042_szquest_accept_detailDon't fly over there! Tsk, not again!\n\nHow many of these damned bugs are there? Didn't I just get rid of a bunch of them a few days ago?\n\nHey, black-eyed dwarf! Yes, I mean you. Can you do something about these [<S>106566|Dark Energy Bugs]? I can't focus on my research with them flying around like this!\n\nThis research will be a big help to you when it's completed, so please get rid of these bugs quickly!
Sys425042_szquest_complete_detailOh, it seems a lot quieter. Now I can get back to my research!\nThank you, dwarf friend.
Sys425042_szquest_descEliminate 10 [<S>106566|Dark Energy Bugs] from around [ZONE_IFANTRISH_CRYPT_05|Sardrath Corridor].
Sys425042_szquest_uncomplete_detailThere seem to be a lot of interesting things here. Sigh, it would be perfect if not for these damned bugs.