result count: 7

SC_Z31_Q425043_01The magical beast deftly escaped.
SC_Z31_Q425043_02No more dark energy can be extracted.
Sys425043_nameAnnihilation Plan's never-ending!\nIt seems getting rid of them is useless, so now I have to think of a way to completely annihilate them!\n\nI think...good, I'll start with this. For this experimental plan, I think I need to start by understanding these creatures' energy.\n\n[$playername], you're a trustworthy dwarf. Can you help me? Take this [241064|Dark Energy Extraction Rune] and extract dark energy from a few [<S>106564|Dark Energy Puppets] or [<S>106566|Dark Energy Bugs].
Sys425043_szquest_complete_detailNow that I have this, I can take care of those bugs!
Sys425043_szquest_descFirst weaken the [106564|Dark Energy Puppet] or [106566|Dark Energy Bug], then use the [241064|Dark Energy Extraction Rune] to extract dark energy from [<S>106564|Dark Energy Puppets] or [<S>106566|Dark Energy Bugs] 10 times.
Sys425043_szquest_uncomplete_detailThere will always be mistakes in the course of research. Can you get a little more to ensure I'll have enough?