result count: 5

Sys425047_nameFood Thieves
Sys425047_szquest_accept_detailActually, I originally had enough supplies, but I feel like the amount of food is always decreasing. When I compared the records I found that there's a lot of food missing, but I trust my brothers. It couldn't have been them!\n\nTherefore, the most likely answer is that those [<S>106563|Phantom Hunters] outside stole our food. However, I don't have any evidence to confirm my suspicions. Can you help me find some clues?
Sys425047_szquest_complete_detailJust as I suspected. This fragment has a buildup of [106563|Phantom Hunter] energy. They must have stolen and destroyed our food when we weren't looking.\n\nThose evil things!
Sys425047_szquest_descFind clues regarding the missing food.
Sys425047_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease investigate everything, from food crumbs to costume containers!