result count: 5

Sys425048_namePunish Food Thieves
Sys425048_szquest_accept_detailThe more I think about it, the more angry I get. I have to teach those food thieves a lesson!\n\nThose damned [<S>106563|Phantom Hunters] caused this food shortage! We have to expel them from the camp, in order to protect our remaining food. Please help me make those evil things suffer!
Sys425048_szquest_complete_detailThanks to your help, the number of [<S>106563|Phantom Hunters] has been reduced for now, but we need to increase the manpower guarding our food stores. Who knows when they'll invade our camp again...
Sys425048_szquest_descHelp [120449|Jerrylin Sharppspade] by eliminating 10 food-stealing [<S>106563|Phantom Hunters].
Sys425048_szquest_uncomplete_detailShow no mercy. We have to teach those [<S>106563|Phantom Hunters] a lesson!