result count: 5

Sys425052_szquest_accept_detailOld friend, do you still remember when [ZONE_IFANTRISH_CRYPT_07|Taffrock Outskirts - South] was the most prosperous mining area? In it's current state, it won't be returned to its former glory any time soon.\n\nIn fact, we're planning to recycle the used [120432|Rusty Toolbox] in [ZONE_IFANTRISH_CRYPT_07|Taffrock Outskirts - South]. It should be useful with a few minor adjustments, and will help speed up the development of the other areas.\n\nHowever, magical beast attacks keep interrupting our attempts to recover the equipment, and progress is slow. Can you help us recycle the [<S>241116|Rusty Toolboxes]?
Sys425052_szquest_complete_detailI'm glad to see your safe return. So, there were no accidents during the recovery process?
Sys425052_szquest_descRecover 10 [<S>241116|Rusty Toolboxes] from [ZONE_IFANTRISH_CRYPT_07|Taffrock Outskirts - South].
Sys425052_szquest_uncomplete_detail[ZONE_IFANTRISH_CRYPT_07|Taffrock Outskirts - South] is not a peaceful place. For your own safety, please stay alert.