result count: 8

SC_Z31_Q425054_01Recipient already possesses [622203|Magic Shield Potion].
SC_Z31_Q425054_02Thanks comrade!
SC_Z31_Q425054_03I feel way more comfortable!
Sys425054_nameResist Foreign Enemies
Sys425054_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], you're just in time. I have some good news for you! Look, the [241117|Magic Shield Potion] that the Ailic's Community was developing for use against the magical beasts is finally completed!\n\nThey say that drinking this potion will temporarily alleviate the effects received when fighting a magical beast. It should be a considerable help for the soldiers fighting the magical beasts.\n\nAccording to them, it's still in the experimental stages. However, there aren't a lot of adjustments needed, so we can use it if we need it. Can you help me use the [241117|Magic Shield Potion] on the soldiers around the camp who are fighting the magical beasts?
Sys425054_szquest_complete_detailSide effects? Any potion will cause some uncomfortable symptoms, but it's better than the threat of magical beasts.
Sys425054_szquest_descUse [241117|Magic Shield Potion] on [106585|Front Line Camp Guard] 5 times.
Sys425054_szquest_uncomplete_detailHaving you here helping us is so much better than before!