result count: 5

SC_425067_NPC_01Hey, [119939|Kemo Silvering]! Wait for me!
Sys425067_nameVisit An Old Friend
Sys425067_szquest_accept_detailFortunately, [119940|Sakuchi Blackhammer] woke up and should be alright, but I want to take him back to [ZONE_IFANTRISH_CRYPT_02|Morfantas City] to be safe, and at the same time I'll confirm how many dwarves have awakened. When you return to [ZONE_IFANTRISH_CRYPT_02|Morfantas City], remember to find me!\n\nI'll go see what exactly has happened!\n\n[SC_Z31_NPC_00|Asomanson] is great! [SC_Z31_TAFFROCK|Taffrock] is great!
Sys425067_szquest_complete_detail[$playername], you've finally arrived!\n\nLet's go see someone!
Sys425067_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_IFANTRISH_CRYPT_02|Morfantas City] and meet [120237|Kemo Silvering].