result count: 4

Sys425070_nameVisit the Elders
Sys425070_szquest_accept_detail[120238|Sakuchi Blackhammer] seems to have forgotten what just happened, gobbling like a digger orc. I can't stand him.\n\nUm...what happened is a little complicated. I think it would be best if you asked [120239|Hebron Shadoweave], over there in front of the stone building. He knew early on that something like this might happen, but still couldn't stop it...
Sys425070_szquest_complete_detail[$playername], child! I'm very happy to see you safe!\n\nYou probably want to ask what happened to you, like [120237|Kemo Silvering], right?\n\nYou must have seen the many statues along this road. Well...I warned the king long ago that their experiment was very dangerous, but in the end... Princess Morfantas couldn't stop King [SC_Z31_NPC_03|Asomanson IV]. I guess that power backfired, and all those with Shadowforge blood were petrified. I don't know what those outsiders' objective is, but...thanks to them, we were able to lift the curse!
Sys425070_szquest_descVisit the first awakened elder, [120239|Hebron Shadoweave].