result count: 11

SC_425087_01Listen, [$VAR1]!
SC_425087_02I appoint you the Defender of [SC_Z31_TAFFROCK|Taffrock]!
SC_425087_03I order you to go to [ZONE_YGGNO LAND|Candara] to seek a solution and spread the word of my clan's return.
SC_425087_04Praise be to the defenders!
SC_425087_05People! Come forward!
SC_425087_06Ok! Withdraw!
Sys425087_nameBring as much as you can
Sys425087_szquest_accept_detailI know this may be a bit of a hassle, [$playername], but could take a few tribesmen out when you go searching for the King and the Princess? Only if you're able, of course.\n\nIf I were like you, then these monsters' curse wouldn't scare me...
Sys425087_szquest_complete_detailThat [120530|Biolin Ironcauldron] is intolerable. What a stubborn personality! I worry that his personality will one day be his undoing!\n\nMay [SC_Z31_NPC_00|Asomanson] bless everyone!
Sys425087_szquest_descRescue petrified tribesmen from [SC_Z31_TAFFROCK|Taffrock].
Sys425087_szquest_uncomplete_detailThat [120530|Biolin Ironcauldron] boy can only talk big! If he can't take the heat and bails on the rescue, we won't say a thing!