result count: 9

SC_425102_AAh! It's finally arrived! I've been waiting so long I almost forgot about it. Sign here? that good?
SC_425102_BThe tiny letters read, "Recipient: [$VAR1], [$VAR2]," but the rest is unclear.\n\nIt looks like the goods should be delivered to: [$VAR1]. The location should be: [$VAR2]...
SC_425102_CWriting On Cargo
SC_425102_DEntrance to the [ZONE_COALITION_PIONEERS_CAMP|Front Line Alliance Camp]
Sys425102_nameMission Delivery
Sys425102_szquest_accept_detailDo I have to tell you again? Once again?\n\nWe don't have enough manpower!\n\nThere's a mountain of packages here, waiting to be sent to the various fronts, not to mention the front lines! Even the ones for the [ZONE_COALITION_PIONEERS_CAMP|Front Line Alliance Camp] haven't been delivered!\n\nYou still haven't left...does that mean you want part-time work?
Sys425102_szquest_complete_detailVery good! You been very helpful!\n\nIf you have time, just come find me. This mountain of packages will be waiting for you!
Sys425102_szquest_descHelp [119872|Robert Fox] deliver packages to their recipients.
Sys425102_szquest_uncomplete_detailTsk! If you're busy with other work, I can find someone else...\n\nThis work cannot be delayed for any reason, understand?