result count: 11

SC_425103_AThis is not the area outside [SC_BALANZASAR|Balanzasar]!
SC_425103_BThe target must be an organism!
SC_425103_CTarget has not been injured...
SC_425103_DOther players are already engaged in a quest concerning this target.
SC_425103_ETarget is dead!
SC_425103_FYou are too far from the target!
Sys425103_nameUnique Environment
Sys425103_szquest_accept_detailWe have made some alarming discoveries!\n\nWe originally found some similarities between specimens of [ZONE_YGGNO LAND|Candara] and [ZONE_SAVILLEPLAINS|Zandorya], proving that those two places may have originally been connected. However, the specimens we collected here are completely different from those two continents!\n\nWe need more samples to cross-reference. Here is a rune we use to collect materials. You don't have to harm the creatures, just use this rune on creatures that are already wounded, and it will record the information automatically. Then, when the rune is full of records, just bring it back to me.
Sys425103_szquest_complete_detail...Wonderful!\n\nBut...we still need more information. Do you mind making another trip?
Sys425103_szquest_descUse the [240902|Sampling Rune] on injured animals to help [119857|Sifan Lodongs] collect specimen information.
Sys425103_szquest_uncomplete_detailFinished?\n\nThis won't work! If there aren't enough samples, the results of the comparison won't be credible!