result count: 10

SC_425105_AYou don't have a related quest.
SC_425105_BThis should be sent to the warriors dining in the [ZONE_CENTRAL_KITCHEN|Central Kitchen].
SC_425105_CTarget error!
SC_425105_DThe target hasn't finished their meal...
SC_425105_EYou can't throw the dishes!
Sys425105_nameAnother Battlefield
Sys425105_szquest_accept_detailI know you warriors work very hard fighting the enemy on the front lines, but the [ZONE_CENTRAL_KITCHEN|Central Kitchen] is a different kind of battlefield. We have to provide thousands of meals at each mealtime. This is no joke.\n\nI don't have time to chat with you. If you're confident in your fighting skills, you may be interested in this challenge. If you're really brave enough, let me know, and I can arrange it.
Sys425105_szquest_complete_detailIt seems that your survival on the battlefield wasn't just luck!\n\nIf you have time, you're welcome to help out in the [ZONE_CENTRAL_KITCHEN|Central Kitchen] any time!
Sys425105_szquest_descHelp [119862|Ivan Futia] monitor everyone's dining status and quickly distribute the proper food to everyone.
Sys425105_szquest_uncomplete_detailPerhaps you've already begun to realize...\n\nWork that looked so simple in the beginning is actually challenging for many people.