result count: 21

SC_425110_1Due North
SC_425110_3Due East
SC_425110_5Due South
SC_425110_7Due West
SC_425110_AThe enemy is in the air to the [$VAR1]!
SC_425110_BWait...The royal air is returning!
SC_425110_CGive them a beating! Go!
SC_425110_D[120073|Tim Ango] starts using a rune to contact a true dragon...
SC_425110_EThe true dragon doesn't seem to respond to the call of [120073|Tim Ango]...The fighting must be fierce.
SC_425110_FThis is the alert system to defend the camp...
SC_425110_G[119949|Royal Air Alerter] reports:
SC_425110_HA voice inside you speaks, "As a supreme knight, how can you lose?!"
Sys425110_nameAir Raid Warning
Sys425110_szquest_accept_detailBalanzasar is a new position for both [119864|Maderoth] and the Alliance. The enemy got ahead of us because the guardians don't need to rest, but we have been able to establish a stable base because of the true dragons' flight and the transport technology of the [SC_ALLIC_COMMUNITY|Ailic's Community]. However, the guardians won't back down so easily, and they continue to attack us from land and air.\n\nFortunately, the true dragons can take care of the air attacks. The eight runes to my right were placed by the [SC_EYEOFWISDOM|Eye of Wisdom] and [SC_ALLIC_COMMUNITY|Ailic's Community] together, and with them we can monitor the airspace in all directions. Then, we use the runes to communicate with true dragons in the air, or have dragons on the ground scramble to intercept. This camp is secure because of this constant alert system.\n\nDo you want to act as an alert courier?
Sys425110_szquest_complete_detailAir attacks are extremely fast, so rely on alert couriers to make up for time lost to mistakes.\n\nThe position of alert courier was established specifically for this war, but we are continually researching and improving contingencies and tactics!
Sys425110_szquest_descAct as an alert courier. Follow the instructions of Lieutenant Colonel [120073|Tim Ango] to complete the mission.
Sys425110_szquest_uncomplete_detailActually, alert couriers will sometimes miss alert signals!\n\nAlso, I'm afraid this type of training isn't enough to improve alert couriers' response speed.