result count: 6

SC_425115_AYou need a [240911|Crystal Survey Rune] to analyze the crystal!
Sys425115_namePrisoner Battle
Sys425115_szquest_accept_detailWhile we don't currently have a way to seal the powerful elemental lord [118406|Farutor], we don't intend to give up.\n\nFor us, having never seen this kind of situation before, it's normal to not have a solution. However, after studying the situation, we may find that we have a way to seal him.\n\nThere's no free lunch, right? With no research materials, there can be no progress The. [ZONE_CRUMBLING_BASTILLE|Fallen Throne of Embers] is swarming with Fire Elementals, and we researchers can't go in. Would you help us collect some specimens?\n\nThis run will help you determine whether or not the target sample has any research value. If the rune reacts, then bring it back.
Sys425115_szquest_complete_detailCareful, don't let them burn you!\n\nOk, leave the rest to me! I'll do my best to uncover the hidden information in these specimens.
Sys425115_szquest_descTake the [240911|Crystal Survey Rune] to [ZONE_CRUMBLING_BASTILLE|Fallen Throne of Embers] and get a [240955|Valuable Sample] to help [119732|David Chase] conduct research.
Sys425115_szquest_uncomplete_detailQuiet. To be frank, I really don't want to give this job to those clumsy soldiers, so I can only ask you.