result count: 8
keystring | es | eneu |
SC_Z24Q425120_1 | De repente sentís cómo el hechizo maléfico pasa del Brote a vuestro cuerpo... | You suddenly feel the evil curse pass from the Sapling into your body... |
SC_Z24Q425120_2 | Cada vez os encontráis peor... ¿Estáis seguro de queréis hacerlo? | You have an increasingly uncomfortable feeling...are you sure you want to pick it up? |
SC_Z24Q425120_3 | A vuestras espaldas, [120990|Sismond] esboza una sonrisa sarcástica. | Behind you, [120990|Sismond] utters a mocking laugh. |
Sys425120_name | ¿Es una pista o una trampa? | Is it guidance or a trap? |
Sys425120_szquest_accept_detail | Eso es demasiado optimista. Son palabras de [120980|Sismond]... No me creo tanta amabilidad. Aunque no tengamos otra salida, opino que creer a ese villano no es lo más adecuado. Me temo que todo esto forma parte de su plan. \n\nSin embargo, debo disculparme. Ninguno de los dos somos demasiado fuertes. Si vamos con vos y nos topamos con algún peligro, tendremos que huir y seremos incapaces de ofreceros ninguna ayuda. Pero no os preocupéis. Ocurra lo que ocurra, informaré al Maestro [120962|Iswan Giant]. \n\nVigilad vuestra espalda cuando intentéis infiltraros. No andaremos lejos. | That's too optimistic. Those are the words of [120980|Sismond]... I don't believe that he would be so kind. Even though we have no other way, I strongly believe that believing that villain is not the right choice. I'm afraid that this is all part of his plan. \n\nI apologize, however. The two of us are not very strong. If we go with you and run into any trouble, we will have to escape and will be unable to provide you with any real help. Don't worry, though. Whatever happens, I'll report the situation to Master [120962|Iswan Giant]. \n\nPlease watch your back when you try to sneak in. I think we won't be far behind you. |
Sys425120_szquest_complete_detail | Guau... No creí que pudieseis resistir ese poder. Parece que sois una fuente interminable de sorpresas...\n\nSeguro que todo el mundo os agasaja siempre... Ja, ja, ja. | Wow...I didn't think that you would be able to resist that power. It seems you are full of surprises...\n\nPeople must always feel the need to flatter you...Hahaha. |
Sys425120_szquest_desc | Las indicaciones de [120990|Sismond] dicen que el [241618|Brote de Árbol Sagrado] está oculto en la cercana [ZONE_SOUTH_MERDIN_TUNDRA|Planta de Producción de Kentiaru]. Id allí, buscad a [120990|Sismond] y traed el [241618|Brote de Árbol Sagrado]. | [120990|Sismond's] instructions say that the [241618|Holy Tree Sapling] is hidden on the nearby [ZONE_SOUTH_MERDIN_TUNDRA|Kentiaru Production Plant]. Go there, find out where [120990|Sismond] is and bring back the [241618|Holy Tree Sapling]. |
Sys425120_szquest_uncomplete_detail | Si sois capaz, id y traed lo que os piden. El brote que buscáis está dentro de un cadáver... | If you're able to, just go and bring the stuff back. The sapling you're looking for is inside a corpse... |