result count: 5

Sys425133_nameWater of Blessing
Sys425133_szquest_accept_detailThe elves are really great. They're able to maintain the forest's appearance, even with so much logging going on.\n\nThe demand for wood is getting higher and higher, but we haven't been assigned additional staff, so we are now facing a manpower shortage...\n\nSo? Can you help us?\n\nWe need someone to take the [240908|Water of Blessing] the elves gave us to the loggers, then bring back their [240909|Turned In Wood]. Will you help us?
Sys425133_szquest_complete_detailWithout the elves' [240908|Water of Blessing], these trees wouldn't be able to grow so fast...\n\nThis is a real eye-opened for someone as old as me!
Sys425133_szquest_descTake the Elves' [<S>240908|Waters of Blessing] to the [<S>120059|Alliance Loggers] and return the [<S>240909|Turned In Wood] to [119873|Miller Wood].
Sys425133_szquest_uncomplete_detailThis work must not stop, or there won't be enough wood to meet demand! How can we lose to those steel guys?!