result count: 6

Sys425140_nameGushing Ice Flower
Sys425140_shortnoteCondensed crystals as beautiful as a snowflake.
Sys425140_szquest_accept_detailWe should also bless the Holy Tree sapling and not just you. That should be feasible. \n\nIt will take a little bit of work to find the materials, ay, but not being able to fly is really troublesome. How about this? You just came back from the dead. Why don't you go out and get some exercise. Clear your head. It'll be good for you. \n\nThere is a lot of clean energy on this tundra. It has been preserved for thousands of years by the ice. Some plants are able to use the energy under the ice layer to maintain their survival. One of these plants is the [120991|Soyar Ice Flower]. The snow flower can condense little bits of energy into an [241619|Ice Crystal Flower]. It's time for you to move. Bring back some [<S>241619|Ice Crystal Flowers] from these determined little flowers.
Sys425140_szquest_complete_detailDo you feel a lot better? Then it looks like the method worked. Now we can use the [241619|Ice Crystal Flower] on the [241618|Holy Tree Sapling]. \n\nHahah, don't misunderstand. I didn't use you as a guinea pig on purpose.
Sys425140_szquest_descHelp [120969|Nynke] find the rare plant, [120991|Soyar Ice Flower], on the Soyar Tundra. Then bring back 3 [<S>241619|Ice Crystal Flowers] that are hidden in the flowers.
Sys425140_szquest_uncomplete_detailDon't look at me. There's nothing to see here. Hurry and go. \n\nThe tundra is very large, but if you just walk along the cliffs you should be able to find them.