result count: 5

Sys425147_nameToo Busy To Eat or Sleep
Sys425147_szquest_accept_detailDo you know what the top brass told me in the beginning?\n\nThey said that the duty of the [ZONE_CENTRAL_KITCHEN|Central Kitchen] is to feed everyone in the [ZONE_COALITION_PIONEERS_CAMP|Front Line Alliance Camp]. Do you know what that means? Our duty is not only to the soldiers who eat here, but to everyone in the camp.\n\nBut I don't understand why so many people don't like to eat.\n\nDon't misunderstand, it's not that our food tastes bad, but that they don't like to come here to eat. Yes, I think you've guessed it. We need to deliver food to them...\n\nI think...If you agree, you can help me deliver food to those people.
Sys425147_szquest_complete_detailIt seems you've successfully saved those busy people from starvation. Good job!\n\nIf you have time, you can help us any time!
Sys425147_szquest_descHelp [119862|Ivan Futia] deliver food to various areas so that the busy Alliance members can eat.
Sys425147_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhy are you still standing here?\n\nWhile I'm confident that the food won't go bad no matter how long it's left out, why don't you deliver it while it's still fresh?